Lipstick is a vital product if you want to look effortlessly beautiful! There are many types of lipsticks such as crayons, lipgloss, cream, and matte. One such type is liquid lipstick. This is the lipstick that lasts a lot longer. Liquid lipstick has become popular today and it has become fun to use. It gives a shiny finish to your lips, gleaming all the way through! However, you need to get the process right to apply a lipstick that will last long and look flattering. Let’s look at how to use the perfect lipstick so that you always end up feeling like a queen!

Steps To Apply Liquid Lipstick

Step 1: Apply Moisturizing Balm

Be honest with yourself. You mostly skip this first and crucial step, don’t you? Most think that this step isn’t important or crucial. But trust us, this one step will literally save you (as dramatic as it may sound) A moisturizing balm creates a perfect base for the lipstick to be applied. Just like a face needs a primer that creates a solid foundation, our lips need a perfect foundation too. Due to a moisturizing balm, a smooth base is formed which paves the path for the lipstick to be applied effortlessly. So remember to always keep this step in mind and do not take it for granted. It will either make or break your look.

Step 2: Use Concealer

Apply concealer around your lips with a makeup sponge. This will help from your lipstick being stained on the side of your lips. There are chances of it happening in hot weather or due to sweat. So, save yourself from the smudginess of lipstick. The concealer will never make you worry about your lipstick getting out of place again!

Step 3: Apply Lip Liner

Again, lip liner is important when it comes to applying lipstick liquid. Lip liner works as a boundary for your lips. Due to this boundary, lipstick stays in place. Cupid’s bow is also perfectly achieved due to the lip liner. With cupid’s bow, lips are given a gorgeous look. A perfect pout is not so far away with the help of a lip liner. Don’t forget to make every pout count!

Step 4: Finally, Apply The Liquid Lipstick!

We’ve come to the last part! But it still has sub-steps! So here comes the actual part. It’s also the most fun part if you apply it right. Now that our lip liner is ready and well applied, we have to apply the actual liquid lipstick. To apply it, we need to start from the bottom. Apply on both sides of the bottom lip first and move towards the middle. With that, you have your bottom lip well and ready. After that rub your lips together so that the lipstick spreads well. Then, finally, apply it to your upper lip. Simply a single coat is enough for your upper lip. This way, your lipstick is evened out and well balanced. Applying a huge amount of lipstick on your upper lip might cause a look of a build-up. That’s why it’s important to apply lipstick a fair amount.

These are all the steps required to put on a perfect liquid lipstick. As mentioned before, it isn’t difficult or complicated. With practice, it’ll get effortless within no time!

There are many different benefits of Lenphor Velvet Matte Liquid Lipstick - Lasche It. It’s a saviour of a product that offers several advantages and perks.


One thing a liquid lipstick can firmly promise, it’s being long-lasting. We all understand the importance of long-lasting lipstick. If it’s the opposite, we find ourselves constantly worrying about lipstick smudges, lipstick stains, and also it fading away! Especially when we’re out to eat, that’s when there’s a chance of our lipstick completely disappearing. What’s the point of wearing lipstick if we have to keep reapplying it every hour? It can be stressful and annoying! Well, not anymore! This lipstick is here to fly away all your troubles. A lipstick would never be a problem again. The only problem you might face is completely removing the lipstick. This lipstick is a stubborn one that refuses to ever back down. But with moisturizing creams, it should be easy.


Lipsticks can be long-lasting, but not all are smudge-proof and that is the worst combination. The worse thing about long-lasting lipsticks that are not smudge-proof is not just they are prone to stains and smudges but also that these smudges can be long-lasting. Doesn’t that sound like a nightmare? But now it’s time to bid adieu to these nightmares. Lenphor Liquid lipstick is here to turn your worries into happiness, so you never let anything hold you back anymore. With a velvet matte finish, these lipsticks never misbehave. They always stay well within the line, avoiding all smudges and stains.

Smooth Finish

There are lipsticks that can be long-lasting and smudge-proof. But usually, in an attempt to be long-lasting, they can be very harsh on your lips. When it’s harsh on your lips, soon they begin to show your lip cracks. We use lipsticks to enhance our lips and make them look fresh. But if lip cracks are being highlighted, lipsticks completely lose their purpose. This is why lipsticks need to have a smooth finish so that the lip cracks are well hidden. When you know your lipstick is on point, you feel better about yourself. If lipstick doesn’t make you feel so then you need to change it, as soon as possible!

In conclusion, a simple liquid lipstick is not enough! It needs to have a smooth finish, be smudge-proof, and most importantly, it needs to be long-lasting. Invest well in the best lipstick for yourself, so you always feel like the best version of yourself.

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