The thought of staying indoors for long may unleash a bout of jitters on some. Especially while protecting oneself from a pandemic situation. Sudden, prolonged change in the daily routine can impact you physically and emotionally. But here’s the good news. While you unearth different ways to get through this hibernation phase, your skin can actually take advantage of this ‘peacetime’.

# Break-up with makeup
Let’s face it. Wearing makeup on daily basis exposes our skin to a considerable amount of chemicals and toxins. Going sans makeup can do some real good to your skin. Fewer breakouts, no dry skin, irritation-free eyes, no allergic reactions are just a few benefits. When you are voluntarily grounded, whom you got to impress anyways!

# Benefits from home Workout
Exercise is essential for healthy living. Staying home reminds it more than ever. When you workout from home you don’t have to be chafed from running clothes or worry about sunburns anymore. Workout increases blood flow which not only gives you a fit body but a healthy skin too. Let’s not overlook that satisfying post-workout glow.

# Commuting Stops. Rejuvenation Begins
Sleep is integral for skincare. During sleep, the body goes into regenerative mode, where it also makes collagen which improves skin elasticity, reduces wrinkles and boosts hydration. When you stay at home, you can spare hours for precious beauty sleep which otherwise are spent on daily commuting.

# Exfoliation through meditation
It’s a known fact that meditation slows down the ageing process. Meditating for just a few minutes every day relaxes your body and adds oxygen to the skin. This process boosts cellular health by repairing your body’s tissues and cells giving you a fresh, youthful glow. It also improves your complexion while reducing wrinkles simultaneously.

# Drink your way to clear, gorgeous skin
Detox drink (detox water) flushes out toxins from the body, nourishes cells and keeps the skin hydrated. There are plenty of detox drink recipes available online with ingredients readily accessible at homes such as water and honey or lemon, fruits, vegetables, herbs and others.

# Masks make it worthwhile
Being at home gives you the chance to try different DIY face masks. Use materials found in your home and kitchen. Combine egg whites, honey, yoghurt, lemon, sugar, fruit pulp, etc. as per your choice and all-natural face mask is ready to pamper your skin.

# No pollution. Just beauty solution.
Pollution can cause some serious skin damage. Dirt particles that accumulate on your skin can clog pores, cause irritation, rashes and breakouts. That is, of course when you have to travel. But when you just have to surf from one room to another, who cares about pollution? Just indulge in ways of enriching your skin and enjoy a day well spent.
With all these benefits, you will also have plenty of time to focus on your skincare routine and with simple DIY steps, you can turn the beauty tide in your favour.